Trade Ideas Review 2025

This comprehensive Trade Ideas Review comes along with a great Trade Ideas Promo Code and reveals all that you have to know about the #1 stock market scanner Trade Ideas. There is no other place where you will find comparable high quality information about this A.I. powered investment discovery engine.

  • Please, click on the respective section to read the content. As a bonus, we provide free Trade Ideas insights and the best promo codes being available
  • Furthermore, we reveal hidden secrets about Trade Ideas. This is the most comprehensive review and online-guide regarding Trade Ideas.
  • Because of the amount of information and for making things more comfortable, we have split this review into various chapters.
trade ideas review ai stock screener

What is Trade Ideas?

Trade Ideas is the award winning #1 real-time AI stock market scanner powered by Trade Ideas Artificial Discovery Engine.

This is an interactive tool that allows its users to scan the market data within milliseconds.

Hundreds of professional trading strategies, scanners, alerts and filters are integrated into Trade Ideas. Beside this, Trade Ides is absolutely self-explanatory and easy to use.

With its help, the traders are able to develop their own strategies via drag & drop and there is no need to write any single line of code.

Trade Ideas Review

Trade Ideas LLC – Learn more about the company

Trade Ideas LLC developed this masterpiece of software. About 15 years ago, the first version was released. Meanwhile, a lot of additional features were added.

Trade Ideas intention is to help their customers with accomplishing their goal to make money in the markets with more efficiency by providing high end technologies for private investors.

Trade Ideas computers scan & simulate thousands of trading strategies and scenarios on every day.

Their Artificial Intelligence stock trading software studies 24 hours a day and calculates the strategies with the best potential outcome for the next trading day before the market will be open.

Trade Ideas crunches the numbers in their data centers. The combined compute power corresponds to thousands of individual personal computers.

After being part of a venture capital investment with the aim to provide hedge fund managers with direct access trading technology, in 2003 Trade Ideas LLC was founded by Dan Mirkin and Philip Smolen.

Trade Ideas exists for a reason. It makes the difference between success and failure in trading the markets.

Their technology does what humans can not do. Every stock gets monitored tick by tick.

Trade Ideas calculates the scenarios with the highest potential rewarding outcome.

dan mirkin austing business journal march 1996

Meanwhile, Trade Ideas has clients in more than 65 countries all over the world.

Risk-free fully automated trading is available by using the integrated free paper trading account from Interactive Brokers for executing buy and sell orders via the integrated API.

Trade Ideas LLC also wants to help its subscribers with a proper evaluation of new and effective trading strategies.

This support is awesome and it may be contacted by live chat, by e-mail, on the phone and within the Trade Ideas forum.

Beside the technical support, Trade Ideas is also determined to help its subscribers to understand the operations of the stock markets and to evaluate new trading strategies.

The company offers text and video tutorials and other instruction materials as well as the Trade Ideas webinars and Trading Courses online.

Furthermore, their refund policy is extraordinarily customer-friendly.

Go ahead and read more about the main functionalities and learn how Artificial Intelligence can help you to become a better trader.

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Trade Ideas Artificial Intelligence – Get ready for the future

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence is to be found everywhere. In the last months, many companies announced that they made groundbreaking progress in integrating AI into their products and services.

But what can Artificial Intelligence exactly do for the individual trader?

Right now, Artificial Intelligence is just at the beginning and a trend that will last for many more years from now on.

Will Artificial Intelligence help you to become a better trader?

Trading is all about competition. Not more. Not less. If you like to make money with trading stocks and options, you have to be better than your competitors. Please read the Online Guide “Day trading for Beginners” for more detailed information about Day Trading in general.

If you are already a trader or if you want to become a trader, Artificial Intelligence may boost your performance.

Right now, the traders and investors who use the advantages of Artificial Intelligence have some remarkable advantages being compared with their competitors.

Imagine that you don’t have to think about the trade setups with the best potentials for the next or for the current trading day anymore. Imagine that a robot does all the work for you during the night.

Your robot scans the markets and calculates thousands of trading strategies on every single day. Trade Ideas AI scans all NASDAQ and NYSE stocks as well as other securities.

When you wake up in the morning, every calculation is already done. Take a look at the computer and you can see which trading strategies have the best chances for being successful on this particular trading day. You can focus on your trading and you never fall back into the traps of trading.

Your trading robot takes care of your money management. Your trading robot gives you the entry and the exit point, the position size and more.

Imagine, your robot does all this immense work for you. And finally, imagine that you don’t have to write any single line of a code!

I want to make sure that you learn everything about Trade Ideas in this review. The things you read will fascinate you. They will open your eyes to see the giant potential of Artificial Intelligence. It is amazing, what Trade Ideas Artificial Intelligence can already do for private investors. Continue reading…

Trade Ideas Holly & Trade Ideas Quant – The Artificial Intelligence discovery engine

Trade Ideas Artificial Intelligence – Code Name: HOLLY

Ask yourself, how many trade setups you know. 10? 20? What do you think, how many trading strategies does Trade Ideas know?

There is no limit! Trade Ideas has an artificially engineered robotic feature that consists of several investment algorithms. HOLLY scans the market all day long, on 24 hours a day. Trade Ideas named the Artificial Intelligence engine HOLLY.

Trade Ideas Screener – Screen the whole market and make the right investment decision

The major task of a good stock screener is to visualize the most accurate and valuable data based on every traders’ individual needs.

Trade Ideas stock screener helps the customers to focus on the stocks that meet their standard requirements fitting with their usual trading strategies.

Once the trader defined his strategy, a stock screener supports the process of searching and finding the stocks / companies that meet certain trading strategy criteria.

Based on a huge database of various companies and implemented sets of filters / variables, the stock screening engine finds the stocks that correspond with the set of variables and with the custom filters. For that reason Trade Ideas A.I. Pro belongs to the best investment apps available.

There are free stock screeners out there, like for example Yahoo Finance and Finviz. However, their capabilities are limited. Traders can apply standard filters, like for instance the volume and the price.

And they can search for large-cap and small-cap stocks. Sometimes those screeners also allow filters by all-time highs and all-time lows. But it is not possible to scan intraday for certain moves and occurrences, like “stocks that made a parabolic move of 10% within the last minute”, or more complex scenarios.

And those free stock screeners are far from having a self-learning Artificial Intelligence engine.

Trade Ideas Screener allows you to search for nearly all kinds of metrics or criteria you want.

A few hundred filters and alerts are available. Choose between pre-configured Trade Ideas layouts and scans you can customize completely.

The good screeners will allow you every search with using the metric or criterion you have chosen. When you finish your input, you get a list of stocks that meet your requirements.

Trade Ideas offers several pre-configured trading channels that represent specific trading opportunities that traders can find in the market. The traders can watch their channel of choice and this helps them to make profitable trading decisions.

The channel bar is the perfect starting point to navigate through all Trade Ideas Channels with one single click.

Continue reading to learn more about the two most important channels.

Pre-Configured Trade Ideas Channels and Screeners

Trade Ideas offers several pre-configured trading channels that represent specific trading opportunities that traders can find in the market. The traders can watch their channel of choice and this helps them to make profitable trading decisions.

The channel bar is the perfect starting point to navigate through all Trade Ideas Channels with one single click.

Continue reading to learn more about the two most important channels.

trade ideas scanner layout

Trade Ideas Holly Artificial Intelligence Channel

HOLLY – The Trade Ideas Artificial Intelligence Channel is the most important channel that individual traders and investors can count on to place profitable trades. After the end of a trading day, Holly does all the work for you. It analyses the whole market.

Within Trade Ideas data center, thousands of strategies are tested on every day. HOLLY identifies trade setups with the highest potential for success on the next trading day. But that’ not all. Traders get notified when all trade setup criteria are met.

Trade Ideas provides the entry point, the risk tolerance and the target. The traders’ life couldn’t be easier. The Trade Ideas AI-Channel is only available to premium subscribers.

Social Media Channel

The Social Media Channel is another fantastic feature that every trader will love.

This channel offers both structured and unstructured social data that tracks stocks that have been widely discussed in social media platforms over a long time. In our world of today, social media is where news break out first and where the market data is accumulated and combined.

With the social media channel, you will get access to market moves being based on social media news.

Further Trade Ideas Channels

The Trade Ideas Artificial Intelligence Channel and Social Media Channel are the most popular channels right now. However, Trade Ideas provides 8 more channels for their customers.

  • My Cloud (customers custom layouts)
  • Volume
  • HOLLY Artificial Intelligence
  • Pre-Market Movers
  • Alpha Predator
  • Defence Channel
  • Surge
  • Trade the GAP
  • Sectors
  • Price Up Movement
  • Price Down Movement
  • 420s in play
  • Earnings Plays
  • China Scanns
  • Biotechs
  • Fundamentals
  • Penny Movers
  • Tech Titans
  • Active Trading
  • Metals
  • Energy
  • Trending
  • ETF focused
  • Infrastructures
  • Options
  • After Hours Scans

With about 30 pre-configured trading channels, it is easy for every beginner to start with the first experiences using a stock screener that enables the traders to scan for all possible kinds of events in the market. And again, there is almost no limit using Trade Ideas.

Why? You can customize every pre-configured trading channel according to your needs. You are able to customize the channel and to fine tune your scan by using filters and alerts. Here we don’t talk about 1, 2 or 3 filters and alerts. We talk about a few hundreds of Trade Ideas filters and alerts! That’s why there is almost no limit! This is one more reason, why Trade Ideas is the best stock screener right now.

Trade Ideas Strategies – Scan thousands of stocks to find profitable trading strategies

Having a clear trading strategy with a defined entry and exit is one of the keys to success. In combination with proper money management, the trading strategies will be even more profitable.

Within Trade Ideas, some popular trading strategies are pre-configured and many more trading strategies may by created by drag & drop – without any knowledge about coding.

This is one of the biggest advantages that Trade Ideas comes up with. No coding knowledge is needed, no matter what you do within Trade Ideas. Similar to a funded trader program, a good understanding of trading basics is necessary.

Popular trading strategy scans within Trade Ideas software:

  • Climactic Move (5min) Social Networks in Action Turbo Breaks
  • GAP 3% or More Reporting Earnings Today
  • High Volume Moving Average Breakouts
  • See it Before the Breaking News
  • Up or Down Big in Pre Market
  • Highs and Lows with Volume Surge
  • Under $20, Moving strong
  • Down Big Yesterday but Up Big Today
  • Bottoms – Pattern Recognition
  • Up 50 cents in Last 5 Minutes with Volume Spike
  • Rallying off of the Bottom
  • Yearly Highs
  • Overbought Based on RSI Above 70 on Daily and 15 Minute Chart
  • Bullish and Bearish Candlestick Patterns
objects in motion stay in motion also in trading

Trade Ideas Charts – Focus on the most important price movements

Trade Ideas charts enable you to verify Trade Ideas alerts visually. You have the choice between different time frames and you are able to scale your charts in the way you want and to choose many of those within the Trade Ideas trading platform at the same time.

If you like, you can draw lines and arrows and you can make notes within the charts. This feature was added in Trade Ideas release 4.0 and it is an excellent example to show how Trade Ideas LCC is listening to the clients and implementing suggestions that have been made by traders around the world. However, charting is not the main tool of Trade Ideas technologies.

It is more of a free add-on to enable the clients to visualize entries, exits and trading strategy results. Trade Ideas main priority is still the stock market screening and the development of trading strategies by using their Artificial Intelligence discovery engine named HOLLY.

Trade Ideas Custom Scanner Basics

Trade Ideas scanner is a market scanner that works on real time basis.

The stock scanner has interactive features that make it possible for the traders to scan the market, to identify the best trading setups and to develop their own trading strategies within a short period of time.

No coding knowledge is needed. The traders configure their strategies via drag & drop within TI Pro. Make use of hundreds of pre-configured trading strategies.

Trade Ideas is easy to use and one of the most powerful tools for real time trading analysis that are just available. It is perfect for those who want to trade stocks, options and ETFs.

Trade Ideas facilitates traders discover the most profitable setups in the market in the very moment. Great functions help the traders to discover the most profitable trading opportunities in the stock market.

Beside this, on a regular basis Trade Ideas introduces new features to improve the software with every new release.

Let me show you the components and features of Trade Ideas scanner layout that enables you to screen the market movements:

Compare Count Windows

This is a genius feature that allows the visual comparison of all kinds of strategies.

For instance, it enables the user to see real-time updates that show which of the competing strategies occur more frequently.

This way, for example the traders can measure the relation between the Trade Ideas High of Day Scanner and the Trade Ideas Low of Day Scanner results.

compare count window trade ideas

Top List Windows

This service makes the ranking of market data possible.

Visualize every stock that’s up more than 4% today, stocks with a volume of >500k in the last 60 minutes, stocks that appeared more than 2% and hundreds of other opportunities based on your filters.

Beside this, you can classify every Trade Ideas column in the way you want.

trade ideas top list window

Full quote windows

The Trade Ideas full stock quote windows allow the users to get a glimpse of all the elementary data related to a stock’s price in combination with quick visual signals to identify where the stock is ranging for the preceding hour, during the trading week or during the last 52 weeks. You can configure the content according to your wishes and priorities.

The collaboration feature

This unique feature makes it possible for traders to share their stocks trading strategies with others by using instant messages, social networking applications and e-mail and to store their strategies in the Trade Ideas cloud. This incredible feature was created to access the individual configuration from everywhere and from every device. It couldn’t be any easier!

Investors are able to open their scanner layouts within TI-Pro.

Trade Ideas Alerts – Get informed as soon your criteria are met

At the moment you have the choice between a few hundreds of different Trade Ideas alerts. These Trade Ideas alerts are comparable to a typical trading strategy.

You are able to scan the market for one single Trade Ideas alert or to combine the alerts in a multi-strategy window. Based on the following alert types, you can create almost unlimited unique trading strategies using your individual combinations of Trade Ideas filters.

tradeideas alerts symbols

Popular Trade Ideas Alerts

  • New High of day
  • New Low of day
  • 75% pullback from highs
  • 75% pullback from lows
  • Check Mark pattern
  • Trade Ideas Momo Scanner
  • Fibonacci 38% buy signal
  • Fibonacci 38% sell signal
  • 5 minute linear regression up trend
  • 5 % linear regression down trend
  • Upward thrust (5 minute)
  • Downward thrust (5 minute)
  • 8 period SMA crossed above 20 period SMA
  • 8 period SMA crossed below 20 period SMA
  • Bullish opening power bar
  • NR7 (15 Minute)
  • 15 minute wide range bar
  • Pre-market highs and lows

Trade Ideas Filters – More than 100 filters are available

The Trade Ideas filters may be focused on an existing Trade Ideas alert to filter down the number of occurrences. Let’s say, you are looking for stocks that make an all-time-high.

In an up-trending market, this may lead to a few signals in every minute. This makes it quite hard to manage them all if you get too many signals within a short period of time.

That’s why the Trade Ideas filters exist. With a Trade Ideas filter, the traders are able to reduce the number of incoming alerts while the quality of every signal increases.

tradeideas filters definitions

Popular Trade Ideas Filters

  • Price
  • Spread
  • Bid Size / Ask Size
  • Average Daily Volume
  • Dollar Volume
  • Relative Volume
  • StockTwits Activity
  • Volatility
  • Yearly Standard Deviation
  • Average True Range
  • Todays Range
  • 2, 5, 15, 30, 60 Minute Range
  • Put/Call Ratio
  • Options Volume
  • GAP Size
  • Position Of Open
  • Consecutive Candles
  • Change From Pivots

Trade Ideas Gappers – Find stocks that gap up or down with only one click of the mouse

The gap-trading strategies belong to the most popular trading strategies in every market. Up- and down-gaps may be as low as 1 cent and as high as a few dollars.

A price gap occurs when there is a difference between the last tick of an individual traded asset, like e.g. stocks, and the following tick. The price difference between those ticks is called the gap. If the price gets higher, it is an up-gap while it is a down-gap when the price gets lower.

If you scan for gaps within a stock universe of more than 6,000 stocks on NASDAQ and NYSE, you have a lot of gaps on every day. The good news is that the Trade Ideas gap scanner is completely configurable. For example, the traders are able to modify their scans this way:

Relative Volume2
Volume10,000 stocks traded today
NASDAQNASDAQ up relative to yesterdays close > 1% (overall market filter)

Off course the traders may also do modifications in a much more complex way, depending on their individual needs. Where else can you do this? The Trade Ideas scanner comes up with the result within an amazingly short time.

The traders are able to monitor it within the so-called Top-List-Window as well as they have the opportunity to get notified by a Trade Ideas gappers alert within the Trade Ideas alert window.

Gap-scan example:

trade ideas gap and go

Three amazing facts that nobody told you yet about Trade Ideas OddsMaker

The Trade Ideas OddsMaker enables the traders to visualize historical profit and loss graphs for every trading strategy and their variations.

Trade Ideas proprietary event being based on back-testing enables the traders to have an overview of how well the scans, trading strategies and entry signals have performed during the last time.

This feature maintains the history of the performance of trading strategies, scans and entry signals during a certain period of time. With Trade Ideas, the traders are also able to optimize their trading strategies. All this is possible without any knowledge of coding.

  • Have a try with one of the current trading strategies – with pre-configured trading strategies as well as with one of your own trading strategies!
  • Modify the back-test parameters via drag & drop. No coding is needed. Just choose your back-test criteria and start with the back-test.
  • Use custom stock lists to define the back-test. Yes, most of the people don’t know about that, but you are able to back-test every strategy on every kind of stock, on a few symbols or on one single stock symbol.
  • Trade Ideas is powered by Artificial Intelligence
  • Since 2016 Trade Ideas A.I. clearly outperformed the S&P
  • Trade Ideas chat room with real-time day trading desk sharing
  • Scans a wide range of securities, like for example stocks, options and ETFs (>6,000)
  • Great support channels for the best possible convenience (website, live chat, webinars & email)
  • Offers more features than other comparable trading tools
  • Customer friendly refund policy
  • While there is always room for improvement, Trade Ideas is really close to perfection.

Trade Ideas Review Summary

Trade Ideas is something like a personal robot adviser for private investors with an outstanding Artificial Intelligence engine. Trade Ideas makes it much easier to focus on the key responsibilities of day trading. Instead of scanning the markets yourself on every day, Trade Ideas does all the work for you. Hundreds of trading strategies are available.

All live-trades and the complete trade history are transparent. Trade setups are easy to find. The traders have the choice between pre-configured trade setups and self-developed trade setups.

Considering the benefits, Trade Ideas is worth every cent. Compared with the competitors, especially one important fact makes Trade Ideas unique.

There is absolutely no coding knowledge needed to handle Trade Ideas. Here, the unique point is the Artificial Intelligence engine.

There will be no more human mistakes and you will know all about the best trading strategies before the market will even open.
Trade Ideas App | Desktop

On top of that, the Trade Ideas support is great and it will hardly occur that someone will not be 100% satisfied. Beside this, Trade Ideas has also good refund policies.

On every day new clients subscribe to Trade Ideas and the community goes on growing over the years.

New features are added on a regular basis and Trade Ideas also has a really great internet reputation. Trade Ideas is definitely worth it to give it a try. With our Trade Ideas promo codes the traders may save 15%-25% when they start the subscription.

Rating: ★★★★★